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Relationships hold the power to be profoundly rewarding, offering us nurture, comfort, deep fulfillment, and unconditional love. Yet, in the journey of any relationship and life transitions, there are moments when challenges arise, casting shadows and doubt on the joy we once had. During these times, what we really need is a guiding hand, a source of support, expert advice, direction, and the kind of encouragement that reignites our hope and strength, helping us navigate our way through to a place where love and harmony can thrive once again.

Coming soon: online, courses and workshops. Don't forget to check out my monthly blog under More/Insights

Other servcies
Clinical supervision


"We found Ange to be very compassionate and professional in working with us on our infertility issues. Ange was empathetic and really listened to each of our concerns in what was a particularly complex and emotive journey for us. Through the experience, Ange was able to help us communicate our needs to each other in a more proactive and positive manner. Thank you Ange!"


"Ange is a leader in facilitating reflective practice in teams. Ange brings extensive knowledge, innovation and professionalism in delivering reflective practice sessions and this was really valued by myself and team members. Rather than just getting staff to focus on cases and what they should or shouldn’t do, Ange created a deeply reflective process that enabled staff to consider what they did, how they were feeling and why they made decisions. This method created a deeper process for staff to reflect and understand their own professional practice.  Ange has a nurturing and professional presence that engages staff to trust the process and engage deeply. I would strongly recommend Ange’s services especially for people and teams wanting to expand their knowledge, self awareness and skills in any working environment."

"Ange met with myself and my partner first to gain an understanding of our family dynamics and to seek clarification on what we were looking for in relation to support and outcomes. The next session was with all family members and after just one session the kids left saying they felt great. I felt the kids have both shifted substantially since the meeting which is fantastic."




Katherine Team Leader

Please contact me via mobile, email or by booking an appointment  

Mobile: 0427 866 536
Level 1/20 Holmes Rd, Moonee Ponds 3039

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